What it means to call the SC shooting 'terror'
Dorian Warren talks with Vince Warren, Director of the Center for Constitutional Rights and Obery Hendricks, Professor at Union Theological Seminary about why the South Carolina Shooting should be called an act of terror and what the word terror means in the post-9/11 era.
Religion, white supremacy and social justice
MSNBC’s Dorian Warren talks with Vince Warren, Director of the Center for Constitutional Rights and Obery Hendricks, Professor at Union Theological Seminary about the role black churches played in the South Carolina mass shooting and in social justice movements more broadly.
Behind the SC shooter’s 'rape' comments
Dorian Warren talks with Feministing’s Chloe Angyal and Wayne State University’s Danielle McGuire about the history of using rape allegations in oppressing black men, and what role that history played in the recent Charleston mass shooting.
Wallace campaign manager on Confederate Flag
Dorian Warren talks to former George Wallace campaign manager and current civil rights activist Tom Turnipseed about his feelings on the Confederate flag.